5 surprising symptoms of a second pregnancy

By Hannah Brown of Hypnobirthing with Hannah.

As I saw the positive line appear on the pregnancy test, I remember feeling all sorts of emotions, happiness, joy, nerves and excitement. I always assumed that falling pregnant for a second time would come with feelings of confidence and knowing that I had done it before… I can confirm that I was wrong.

This pregnancy has been completely different to my first, something that I wasn’t anticipating. I can’t pinpoint the exact reason why I have experienced such a different pregnancy, perhaps because I’m 6 years older or maybe it’s because I’m having a boy this time, who knows?

What I do know, is that when they say that every pregnancy is different, they don’t just mean that you and your friend will have a different experience, they mean that each pregnancy you have can be totally different too.

There have been things during this pregnancy that have been so much easier to cope with but there have also been times when I’ve really struggled and kept thinking to myself, I’m sure this didn’t happen last time.

So, whilst every pregnancy really is different, here are 5 things that took me by surprise during my second pregnancy:

Hannah Brown of Hypnobirthing With Hannah, Leeds, poses whilst pregnant with her second baby.

The exhaustion would hit me hard during the first trimester

I remember the exhaustion well from last time but wow that first trimester well and truly knocked me out in my second pregnancy. I reckon this happened for a few reasons, perhaps because I am older but also because I forgot that last time around, I could nap whenever I wanted to, go to bed at 6pm, sleep all night. This time I have a wild 5 year old to look after who doesn’t sleep through the night! Thankfully she is at school so I am able to squeeze in a couple of naps throughout the week. I’ve been making some energising smoothies that seem to have helped and have been trying to get outside each day for some exercise but some days, it really is a write off and I accept that sleep is exactly what my body needs.

I would experience a calmer pregnancy

With my first pregnancy, we had a really tough time. A high risk pregnancy left me with horrendous anxiety.

 If I’m being honest, I prepared myself for that anxiety to come straight back during my second pregnancy but thankfully it hasn’t. 

We have another high-risk pregnancy this time round, but I can manage it far more easily. I have to thank all of my hypnobirthing techniques that have allowed me to stay calmer and experience less anxiety during this pregnancy, 

I’ve been using them almost every single day to stay focused and keep the anxiety at bay.   

comments from other people on my body would shock me 

Wow, this has been a hard one to cope with. I really do not remember so many people commenting on my bump 6 years ago. So far, I have had strangers ask me how overdue I am (I was 30 weeks at the time), people have said that I look like a bowling ball, they have told me that this baby is going to be huge and that I look “swell”. 

Honestly, the amount of people that have commented on my body since I have been pregnant has been unreal. I don’t know what has happened within 6 years but I’m sure that people have become more confident in thinking it is ok to make comments and even touch someone that is pregnant. I’ve actually found this really hard and would advise anyone to think twice about commenting on someone’s body or appearance when they are pregnant, we don’t know what damage it can do to that person’s self-confidence. 


I would actually get a glimpse of the pregnancy glow

Goodbye spots, hello baby soft skin, please say you are here to stay. 

Before falling pregnant, my skin was awful, I would have breakouts, redness and itchiness and I remember that staying throughout my first pregnancy, it actually even spread to the top of my back too. 

This time, my skin has been as soft as a baby’s bum, it’s been amazing, and I can only hope that it might stay. 

Another perk this time around is that I hardly need to shave my legs which is a win when you can barely bend down to tie your laces, let alone shave 2 legs!


I would get excess spit but not actually be sick!

Well, this was different and perhaps a little TMI but we are here for the pregnancy reality.  I used to have to run to the toilet during my first pregnancy when I was about to throw up (funny story, I once didn’t make it and was sick all over the stairs in my office block – that was a real highlight for me!) 

This time around, during my first trimester, I had a huge amount of excess spit but no actual sickness. Now, you might be thinking that surely this was better but in actual fact, I’m sure it was worse. I never got any relief, just the nausea from constantly having too much saliva in my mouth. 

As I enter the final few weeks of pregnancy, I can confirm that this has returned slightly but thankfully not as bad. The joys of pregnancy!


So, there you have it, 5 things that I wasn’t expecting from my second pregnancy, both the highs and low. I am sure that there will be things I experience very differently when parenting for a second time too!


Hannah brown - hypnobirthing with hannah

Based in Yorkshire, England. 

Hannah teaches techniques to help you feel calm, comfortable and in control in the Leeds, Wakefield and West Yorkshire areas, as well as online! On her website you’ll find a free 25 minute introduction to hypnobirthing video, which we absolutely love and highly recommend! 


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